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Science Fiction & Fantasy - Fantasy

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The Stained Glass Door

ISBN: 9781626525122
Binding: Paperback
Author: John Marvin
Pages: 266
Trim: 5.25 x 8 inches
Published: 12/31/2013

Before he can really adjust to death Martin finds himself in a supernatural conference room of constantly shifting moods and appearance. Guided by an uncannily perceptive group leader Martin and other recently deceased strangers are assigned to write and talk about... stories. With little time to adapt Martin and his new companions begin writing.

The result? Free of the constraints of the living eight strangers write read and talk.

Through their stories we discover the laughter joys and tragedies of hidden lives.

The Stained Glass Door is the first of a series of WriteReadTalk&trade novels which will offer writers of short fiction a new home for their work and offer readers a novel composed of both creative short fiction and a longer plot of discovery.

Writers and readers are invited to learn more about the origins of The Stained Glass Door (the first WriteReadTalk&trade novel) and how short fiction writers of all ages can contribute to the next edition.

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Growing up John Marvin often heard his father's and great uncles' stories of fights feuds and difficult lives lived in a past era. Like his ancestors the author has worked many jobs: gas station attendant farmhand bellhop forklift operator highway maintenance photographer teacher corporate communications. His writing is a product of experience extensive reading and a slightly off-balance storytelling process.

