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The Marriage of Spirit: Enlightened Living in Today's World

ISBN: 9781916746008
Binding: Paperback
Author: Leslie Temple-Thurston & Brad Laughlin
Pages: 288
Trim: 9.2 x 6 inches
Published: 11/30/2023

The Marriage of Spirit is a handbook for spiritual awakening. It directly addresses how we can experience divine presence in our lives and offers simple, powerful exercises for creating balance and harmony.

Based in the ancient teachings of the reconciliation of opposites, these revolutionary, unique, and easy journaling techniques help us accelerate the path to unity consciousness by quickly and dramatically moving us beyond egoic limitations and overcoming negativity, anger, pain and fear.

In this groundbreaking book, which has been translated into several languages and has helped thousands worldwide, Leslie Temple-Thurston shares the story of the awakenings that led to her spiritual transformation and her eclectic, yogic-influenced approach to enlightenment. Filtered through spiritual psychology, her insights and principles are based on the truth teachings of ancient mystery schools, traditions and religions, revamped and simplified for the contemporary spiritual seeker.

As the author says, 'We have arrived at a new and different time; we are here to enlighten the physical plane, the body, and the personality while living and working in the world … If we integrate the dualistic and polarized schisms in our personality, we can know directly and palpably the unity which we truly are, beyond the limited personality.'

In a world torn apart by polarization, it offers hope for a third way, the way of unity amidst diversity.


Leslie Temple-Thurston is a teacher of enlightenment. She graduated from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in fine arts, and in the mid-1970s, moved to Los Angeles with her family. Here she deepened her studies of ancient wisdom through meditation and by exploring the works of the new spiritual psychologies. In 1988, she began presenting her Marriage of Spirit workshops and offering worldwide events. Her life's dedication has been to support those committed to transformation and spiritual awakening. 


A spiritual teacher for over two decades, Brad Laughlin is the co-author of books with his life partner, Leslie Temple-Thurston, and the author of Living With Enlightenment — A Journey of Love, the story of their relationship. Brad helps people discover love, joy and inspiration during times of great change through the principles of non-duality and the dissolution of limiting ego structures. With Leslie, he is co-founder of the international nonprofit, CoreLight, and its humanitarian arm, SeedsOfLight, which supports marginalized communities in South Africa, including AIDS orphans.

CoreLight is an international non-profit organization dedicated to assisting people on the path of Self-discovery and to helping awaken the global heart. We foster outer peace in the world through developing personal, inner peace and through humanitarian service. Our name, CoreLight, refers to the luminous core of enlightenment within each one of us. We offer tools, guidance and inspiration on the journey of spiritual transformation.

