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Literature & Fiction - Poetry

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Poet Wrangler

ISBN: 9781937928469
Binding: Paperback
Author: Marvin R. Hiemstra
Pages: 78
Trim: 7 x 10 inches
Published: 7/1/2012

Poet Wrangler is a spirited collection of poems and reflections on the delightful place of poetry in this world. All selections have been performed by the author and enjoyed by multiple audiences.


Based in San Francisco Marvin R. Hiemstra tumbles words into fresh often astounding patterns. Poet humorist founding Editor-in-Chief of the Bay Area Poets Seasonal Review critic and connoisseur of the moment Marvin performs and publishes his whimsical and profound understanding around the world. His French Kiss Destiny a live action DVD delights fans everywhere. Read Marvin R. Hiemstra’s Poet Wrangler to uncover secrets in all the wry and amazing dimensions of the poetic experience.

"Marvin R. Hiemstra is Mr. Po-Jangles: 'coupleting like crazy' and 'poeming up a free verse storm.' Not only is his latest book Poet Wrangler a delicious poetic treat it contains more seeds of wit and profundity than most poets sow in a lifetime. He is our 21st Century Whitman blowing 'tenderly in the ear of the Universe.' The song of his irresistible self sings to the poet in us all." -- David Alpaugh

"Can you think of another living poet capable of a line like 'My fly is an inside out quick thinking twist'? He is referencing fishing but like Shakespeare Hiemstra understands that 'play' is an aspect of la poesie but don't let the foolscap fool you: he is as serious as the Ancient Mariner and as light-hearted and lyrical as Shelley's skylark. His subject is the everything at the heart of anything-- which is to say ecstatic mind. 'My studio door opens / on a vast shimmering pond' 'I wink at Ganesh / Ganesh winks back.'" -- Jack Foley

"I can't think of anyone writing today who gets a bigger kick out of poking fun at literary pomposity and pretension than Marvin R. Hiemstra. 'Tell Them You Are in Rehab' begins with 'Ten easy steps to a poetry free life.' Another poem 'Best Compliment Ever' concludes: 'A blissful homeless person staggers up to me / from behind the Wall Street Journal rack / and whispers "Hey man! I like your shirt."' The title Poet Wrangler suggests the flavors and spirit of this rollicking read." -- Al Young

"Hiemstra has a style unlike anyone and that style shines." -- Jane Green

"It's the laughing and thinking at the same time that I love." -- Kate McDonald

