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Literature & Fiction - Contemporary

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Picking Butter Beans

ISBN: 9780991134007
Binding: Paperback
Author: Steven D. Davis
Pages: 218
Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Published: 11/30/2013

Lawyer Jake Travis buried a secret from his childhood a long time ago. After years of running from it Jake meets Dr. Mel Allen. Together Jake and Dr. Mel journey through Jake's past in search for redemption. Jake never dreamed it would be found in a small east Texas town. From blowing up a moonshine still to high school football antics the adventures of Jake Travis are outdone only by the cast of colorful characters who shaped him. Before he can be free of the guilt and shame Jake must pass one crucial test and face the truth that haunts his past.

Steven D. Davis is a freelance writer and photographer. Founder of the non-profit organization On River Time. Steven's writing and photography serve to promote and provide income in support of this organization's missions. While Steven is an insurance broker by trade his passion lies in his writing , photography, On River Time, and most of all family.

"All of us have secrets we have to deal with in this journey called life. This story provides tremendous encouragement for us all to move forward with our lives." -John Croyle Big Oak Ranch Springville Alabama

"Picking Butter Beans is a story of perseverance courage hope and the power of truth telling." -Dr. Robert M. Pitts Jr. Clinical Psychologist Birmingham Alabama

"Picking Butter Beans brought me back in time when America was less divided but perhaps more naive. It is a compelling funny yet bittersweet visit to a small East Texas town where things are not always what they seem within a family." -Julie Bossieau Victor Idaho

"Picking Butter Beans was more than enjoyable-it was moving touching poignant.

The banter from the parents transported me back to my own parents' home and I felt my own loss for the familiarity of the situation." -Tammy Nichols Birmingham Alabama

"I just finished Picking Butter Beans. Once I started I simply couldn't put it down. I laughed cried and felt hope in the character Jake Travis." -Jamie Jacob Detroit Michigan

"When I started reading Picking Butter Beans I was drawn to my own childhood and read it cover to cover without stopping." -Brad Robinson Charlotte North Carolina

