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Magical Objects

ISBN: 9781942004868
Binding: Paperback
Author: Caroljean Gavin
Pages: 146
Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Published: 3/28/2025

Magical Objects is a weirdo collection of flash and short fiction drawing from fabulism and the magical power of metaphor. It's genre-bendy, queer, dark, whimsical, and ridiculous. It is a fairy tale of the fairy tale of growing up with books and fairytales. It is about words, identity, and broken, smart-assy girls learning how to draw strength from their scars. Each story is a talisman, rendered in the pristine prose of a spell. Memories and emotions and whole histories transmogrify within Gavin's imagination.

Caroljean Gavin's work has appeared in places such as 7×7, Milk Candy Review, Barrelhouse, New World Writing, Fractured Lit, and Best Small Fictions 2021. She's the editor of What I Thought of Ain't Funny, an anthology of short fiction based on the jokes of Mitch Hedberg published by Malarkey Books. She's the author of the short creative nonfiction, Caught in the Throat (Alien Buddha Press). She's read/ edited for Uncharted Magazine, Pithead Chapel, Split/Lip Press, Best of the Net, and Clarion West's Six Week Workshop. Her website is: She's still on Twitter @caroljeangavin

"Magical Objects reinvents the fairy tale structure, subverts our darkest memories, and makes magic from the ordinary. Caroljean Gavin messes with your sense of time and distance, darkness and light, and who is in charge, implanting images in your consciousness while insisting on seizing back the stories of how things really went down, and in the process, the power that comes with that retelling." — Katie Runde, author of The Shore

"Has there ever been a more apt book title than Magical Objects? Each story is a talisman, rendered in the pristine prose of a spell. Memories and emotions and whole histories transmogrify within Gavin's imagination. And out comes these perfect, impossible objects. A delightful magic. I must be charmed because I love this collection so much." — Zach Powers, author of The Migraine Diaries

"This may look like a book of fiction, but it's really a book of spells. It's got everything you need and all the magic you never knew you needed, and it will utterly enchant you." — Amber Sparks, author of And I Do Not Forgive You

"Lyrical, whimsical, funny, and fierce, the spoon-bending stories of Magical Objects will melt your brain, but in a good way. Think Aimee Bender meets Padgett Powell meets Tori Amos meets Christopher Guest—throw them in a blender, and chug whatever unholy concoction comes out. A thrilling, rollicking debut!" — David James Poissant, author of Lake Life & The Heaven of Animals

