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Business & Investing - Management & Leadership

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Leading People Safely: How to Win on the Business Battlefield

ISBN: 9781662837333
Binding: Paperback
Author: Brian L. Fielkow
Pages: 216
Trim: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Published: 2/15/2022

SAFETY IS THE CORNERSTONE for excellent operations, but it is often marginalized and relegated to dense handbooks that are ignored by employees. James T. Schultz and Brian L. Fielkow instead offer a straightforward how-to guide for maximizing organizational performance through safety leadership. They demonstrate why safety must be a core value engrained into the rhythms of every task. Jim and Brian show how to bring people and process together in full alignment to provide a definitive competitive advantage.

Leading People Safely is packed with succinct, savvy know-how for implementing a culture of safety, punctuated with easy-to-skim lists and textboxes, and uses on-the-ground examples supplied from Jim and Brian's combined seventy-plus years of experience.

Applicable for businesses of any size or industry, Leading People Safely is a must read for leaders looking to create a safe and successful business with a healthy corporate culture.


BRIAN L. FIELKOW is CEO of Houston-based Jetco Delivery. Brian has twenty-five years of business experience in safety-sensitive industries, including as executive vice president of Recycle America Alliance, and is the author of Driving to Perfection: Achieving Business Excellence by Creating a Vibrant Culture (Two Harbors Press, 2014). A Wisconsin native, he lives in Houston with his wife and three children.

