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Horse Lovers: Unpacking the Female Fascination

ISBN: 9780578125237
Binding: Paperback
Author: Karin L Winegar
Pages: 180
Trim: 6 x 9 inches
Published: 11/22/2024

If you are a woman who loves horses, if you love a woman who loves horses, if you are the parent of a girl or the child of a woman who loves horses—this is for you. Karin Winegar does the deepest dive yet into the nature of horse craziness, that incurable attraction and joy so many of us feel in the presence of horses. Why are girls and women so very often horse lovers? Who are we, this subset of female humans: risk takers, romantics, independents, all this or something else? Horse Lovers untangles the roots of female horse craziness, sizes it up, assesses its causes and effects. This book explores in depth who we are and why we feel and do what we do. It is a trail of exaltations, adventures and inquiries. It is about a colorful worldwide culture, about vivid lives and about a unique form of love.

This fabulous new book asks why women who love horses seem to do so from the very first breath we inhale. Karin writes with passion, intelligence, wit, beauty, wisdom and a deep, lifelong love of horses. Horse Lovers: Unpacking the Female Fascination asks the questions we've all pondered but perhaps never voiced—inviting the readers to search for their own answers. Filled with punchy and candid thoughts from psychologists, psychiatrists, cowgirls, veterinarians, cultural anthropologists, endurance riders, saddlery owners, masters of foxhounds, authors, horse rescuers, wild horse advocates, novelists, filmmakers, scientists, poets, horse trainers, event riders, librarians, horse breeders and more with plenty of humorous asides. All this mixed with vivid adventures in the saddle at high speed over lots of ground on a variety of good horses in the company of bold and colorful women riders.

Karin Winegar is a horsewoman from Albert Lea, Minnesota where she grew up competing in 4-H Club as well as regional and state horse shows. She earned a bachelor degree from Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota where she took her horse. She was a staff writer for the Minneapolis Star Tribune for 20 years and also freelanced newspaper and magazine features and opinion pieces. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Conde Nast Traveler and Los Angeles Times as well as publications devoted to sailing, horses, gender equity, environmental issues, etc. She has won Lowell Thomas Awards for investigative journalism and maritime writing, Equestrian Industry Media Recognition awards for feature writing, and American Quarter Horse Association awards for media commentary. Her non-fiction book "SAVED: Rescued Animals and The Lives They Transform" features a foreword by Dr. Jane Goodall, a prologue Dr. Temple Grandin and photography by Judy Olausen. She worked nights and weekends as a professional carriage driver for seven years. She also was media director for the Animal Humane Society. Winegar is based in St. Paul, Minnesota where she is founder of Horse Feed Press custom books.

"Horse Lovers: Unpacking the Female Fascination asks the questions we've all pondered but perhaps never voiced—inviting the reader to search for their own answers. I enjoyed the humorous asides along with word choices. A beautiful journey into the hearts of women and the horses we love." — Marion Maggiolo, Publisher, In & Around Horse Country, owner of Horse Country, Warrenton, VA

"This fabulous new book asks why do women who love horses seem to do so from the very first breath we inhale? Karin writes with passion, intelligence, wit, beauty, wisdom and a deep, lifelong love of horses.Horse Lovers had me in tears, cheering for the underdogs and the forgotten horses, or breathless in her descriptions of elite equines. It had me shouting affirmations aloud." — Lynne Warfel, Dressage rider, National Host/Producer of American Public Media's Classical 24 and Saturday Cinema

"Karin Winegar has written for some of this country;s most prestigious news publications and authored other highly readable books,and through those years she has been mentally probing the elements of this powerful Female Fascination for this very book, Horse Lovers. In its fast-flowing pages, she melds those contemplations with an exciting variety of her equine expeditions around the globe. Horse Lovers is a captivating love story of introspection and adventure. " — Norman Fine, Horseman, Covertside magazine creator/former editor, author of Blind Bombing

"Horsewomen and the magnificent animals they love have much to teach us all about empathy and courage. This wonderful volume by Karin Winegar opens a window into the unique relationship between two of the most amazing products of evolution: women and horses. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did." — Lucio Miele, MD, PhD, Horseman, physician, scientist

"Karin Winegar gets to the heart and soul of women and horses once again in her newest book. What fun to read of other horse women in so many disciplines and find the root of their love in horses. Well done, Karin!" — Louise Leatherdale, Owner of Leatherdale Farms

