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Hiring Revolution: A Guide to Disrupt Racism and Sexism in Hiring

ISBN: 9781634894654
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 208
Trim: 6 x 8 inches
Published: 10/21/2021

"If people just hired based on talent, their teams wouldn't be homogenous. Hiring Revolution confronts this with truth-telling that will no longer allow industries to hide behind platitudes. The actions are clear. It's time to do them."

—Melanie G. S. Walby, design director of Pollen

Diverse teams don't just materialize.

Hiring across race, gender identity, ability, and more must be approached with intentionality and care. But how can a company move from believing . . . to doing?

Aimed at HR management, executives, and leaders across sectors, Hiring Revolution is a compelling guide for how to combat baked-in bias and deal with racism and sexism head on.

As co-founders of the consulting firm Team Dynamics, authors Trina C. Olson and Alfonso T. Wenker are experts in developing equitable work culture. Their tactical approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion at work is based on tested strategies that work.

Inside Hiring Revolution, discover:

  • how mixed teams statistically outperform homogenous teams,
  • why we can—and should—close gaps that hurt us and the people we care about,
  • best practices for recruiting, hiring, and retaining a diverse pool of top talent, and
  • viable solutions to staff diversification you can start implementing today.

Align your organization's hiring INTENT with hiring IMPACT. Learn how to become the diverse organization you've always wanted to be.


Trina Olson is the next guiding voice in the conversation about the future of work and equitable work culture. CEO and cofounder of Team Dynamics, Trina believes going to work in America can feel fundamentally different if—and only if—we deal with the impacts of racism and sexism. After the murder of George Floyd, Trina crafted a curriculum for white leaders, including the staff of Senator Bernie Sanders, to process and plan (without burdening POC colleagues). For the past twenty-five years Trina has held key leadership roles around the country in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC. A two-time executive director, she has lobbied the White House, raised millions of dollars, and effectively mobilized for major policy and culture change.

Trina has authored and coauthored numerous pieces on race and gender issues, including "Seeking Safe Haven: LGBTQ People and the American Immigration Experience." She's a cohost on the BEHAVE podcast and a highly sought-after workplace equity advisor.

Alfonso Wenker is a lauded movement and thought leader driven to convene, connect, and coach top executives to better align values with practice. President and cofounder of Team Dynamics, Alfonso is focused on organizing mixed teams to cocreate new paradigms for how people can work and lead. During the historic campaign for the freedom to marry, Alfonso was recruited and served as the deputy finance director for Minnesotans United for All Families. As a third-generation Mexican American, queer, Catholic man living in Minneapolis, Alfonso consistently gathers and responds to communities calling for racial justice and gender liberation. Before Team Dynamics, Alfonso's career centered in philanthropy, where for over a decade he worked tirelessly to equitably steward billions in resources, while creating new opportunities for People of Color to break into and lead in the field.

Alfonso's considerable body of work has been recognized through being awarded Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal's 40 Under 40, MCN's Catalytic Leader, and St. Paul Foundation's Facing Race Anti-Racism Award.


"Trina C. Olson and Alfonso T. Wenker are extraordinary practitioners and leaders. What a gift to have their foundational wisdom, teachings, and tools offered up in this way."— KRISTA TIPPETT, host and founder of The On Being Project

"This book is the bible on how to attract, hire, and onboard successful, diverse teams—the most important book you will read all year."— KYMM MARTINEZ, chief marketing officer at the University of St. Thomas


