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Self-Help - Motivational Self-Help - Personal Transformation

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Five Essentials to Be Your Best You

ISBN: 9781635055115
Binding: Paperback
Author: Lorraine Dorfman
Trim: 5.25 x 8 inches
Published: 8/7/2018

As the first book in the Realizing Your Greatest Potential series Five Essentials to Be Your Best You introduces you to the fundamental tool for improving yourself and pursuing your goals: the five essentials checklist. The experiences of many years of clinical practice and self-improvement workshops have allowed Dr. Dorfman to perfect her method and with this book people of all ages can experience the benefits of the five essentials checklist.

In this book Dr. Dorfman succinctly and expertly explains the pillars of nutrition movement sleep affirmation and introspection. Sequentially following each essential are plentiful step-by-step exercises empowering the reader to integrate and explore the fundamentals. Whether you wish to banish stress from your life or whether you struggle with unfulfilled goals and ambitions the five essentials checklist can help you become a better version of yourself.


Lorraine M. Dorfman PhD has been a clinical psychologist author and speaker in her field for over twenty years. She lives and works in Pennsylvania.

