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Literature & Fiction - Genre Fiction

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ISBN: 9798986353227
Binding: Paperback
Author: Joy A. Douglass
Pages: 336
Trim: 6 x 9 inches
Published: 04/20/2023

Calvin loved to go to school on Thursdays---that's when they had music. On many days however, he was faced with bullies on the playground---one in particular. Sensing Calvin's uncanny ear for music, his third-grade music teacher suggested he audition for a boy choir school in Philadelphia. He was accepted and by the time he graduated from eighth grade, Calvin had been on tours in the United States and Europe, sung in famous concert halls under major symphonic conductors, and one year, performed daily in the Christmas show at Radio City Music Hall, dancing with the Rockettes. At the school he developed a love of chemistry and languages, and even learned to like soccer. Calvin had developed poise and social skills and was ready to return to his local public high school. Yet, there was a nagging feeling. Was that bully from third grade still around?


Joy Anthony Douglass has been a music teacher, church organist and choral director for 50 years. Her experience includes music education in elementary, middle and high schools. She was a district music supervisor in the School District of Philadelphia, and later taught music education at Boston University. A graduate of the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam, she has been a member of MENC/NAfME, ACDA and on the national board of Chorus America. Joy holds a master's degree from Teacher's College, Columbia University, and a PhD from The University of Michigan.


