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CLMP Publishers June is Pride Month! LGBTQI+ - Literature & Fiction New Titles

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Baffling Year One: Speculative Flash Fiction With a Queer Bent

ISBN: 9781952086526
Binding: Paperback
Author: Editors: dave ring, Craig L. Gidney, Gabriella Etoniru
Pages: 132
Trim: 5 x 8 inches
Published: 07/19/2022

Queer flash stories from the first four issues of Baffling Magazine, a quarterly online magazine of speculative fiction from Neon Hemlock Press.

Stories by Esther Alter, Bendi Barrett, Jen Brown, Jacob Budenz, Christopher Caldwell, Nino Cipri, Dare Segun Falowo, Tessa Fisher, Maxwell I. Gold, Rien Gray, Jewelle Gomez, S.M. Hallow, J. Kosakowski, M. L. Krishnan, Brent Lambert, AZ Louise, Jennifer Mace, Avra Margariti, Mari Ness, Hailey Piper, Brian Rappatta, Jae Steinbacher, Susan Taitel, Izzy Wasserstein, Rem Wigmore, A.B. Young.


dave ring is a queer editor and writer of speculative fiction living in Washington, DC. Find him at dave-ring or @slickhop on Twitter.

Craig Laurance Gidney writes both contemporary and genre fiction from Washington, DC. He is the author of the collections Sea, Swallow Me & Other Stories (Lethe Press, 2008) and Skin Deep Magic (Rebel Satori Press, 2014), Bereft (Tiny Satchel Press, 2013) and A Spectral Hue (Word Horde, 2019). Find him at craiglaurancegidney and @ethereallad on Twitter.

Gabriella Etoniru is a writer and editor of creative nonfiction and speculative fiction from Boston, MA. Gabriella graduated from Brown University where they previously served as the Head Editor for XO Magazine. They are interested in the intersections of Black and Queer global histories and personal narratives. You can read their work in The New York Times, The Columbia Journal of Literary Criticism, The Ladies Compartment, and The Indy. Find them @g_etoniru on Twitter.

