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Children's Books - Religions

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Look, Look! There’s Our God

ISBN: 9781545672228
Binding: Hardcover
Author: Shelley Dedrick
Illustrator: Sierra Brown
Pages: 28
Trim: 8.5 x 8.5 inches
Published: 2/4/2020

Look Look takes Hadley and Dylan through each season, asking the same question - "We don't see God, where is He? In each unique situation, Momma shows them how to see God through the simple and beautiful details He has designed into His creation. Lace up your adventuring shoes and come outside to join Hadley and Dylan on their journey, and you too will learn how to discover that God can be found in your everyday life -- all you have to do is "Look Look."


Shelley Dedrick is an author, composer and communicator living in Louisville, KY. Shelley and her husband Gregg minister to others through Iron Bell Ministries which they founded together in 2009. Shelley's passion is to help launch individuals into their God given destiny, particularly through Marriage, Music and Personality ministries. Shelley and Gregg have 3 adult daughters and 3 grandchildren.

