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Business & Investing - Job Hunting & Careers Self-Help - General

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ISBN: 9781545610336
Binding: Hardcover
Author: Nancy M. Dahl
Trim: 6 x 9 inches
Published: 11/14/2017

How do you build the career and life you want-especially with chaos swirling around you throwing out roadblocks at every turn. Only when you understand that the world isn't set up to optimize can you begin the journey to uncover your best and lead your life with intention.

Bottom line: life is the ultimate experience model. You don't come with an operating manual that tells you how to be your best. You just have to figure it out to find the things that work. And the discovery is never done. You have to stay engaged curious and willing to admit you don't know everything so you can learn more to be your best.

Dedicating yourself to the lifelong discipline of practice outlined in GROUNDED allows you to see what works and most importantly stay in tune with what grounds you at every turn of your journey. The questions change as people move through their lives. In their twenties people wonder where to begin. In their thirties people wonder if they are headed in the right direction. In their forties they may begin to wonder if this is all there is. And in their fifties and beyond they wonder what should happen next chapter.

This notion of being grounded isn't about age it's about attitude. Your life will have impact. Choices will be made. GROUNDED is dedicated to building the skill so you decide not someone else. Your life is simply too important to leave it to chance. And if you choose to lead others GROUNDED is dedicated to inspiring others to be their best because you have done the work to understand how to lead first yourself and now others.


Nancy M. Dahl is a nationally acclaimed speaker on leadership and leading change. She draws from more than 20 years' experience leading executive teams of four organizations serving on both corporate and non-profit boards and her life's journey of living a full and integrated life. She stands apart with her approach to inspire and ignite others to live with intention and reminds her audiences our lives are just too important to leave to someone else to decide and the power of igniting growth in organizations is in the hands of the people. Her "Lead your life" blog reaches a global audience at

