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Self-Help - Anxieties & Phobias

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Be Free. Be You.

ISBN: 9781634892285
Binding: Paperback
Author: Achea Redd
Pages: 168
Trim: 4.5 x 6.25 inches
Published: 6/18/2019

2019 Nautilus Book Award Winner, Silver

In today's culture of stress, competition, and perfect images, it's all too easy to hit rock bottom. Confronted by anxiety about our appearance, our performance, and ourselves, we can feel trapped, imprisoned by the person society expects us to be. The only way to escape that prison is to learn to love who we are—who we really are. 

Be Free. Be You. is all about the journey to wholeness and happiness through loving and embracing the real you. With humor, empathy, and honesty, Achea Redd takes you through the ups and downs of her own life and uses her story to show you the path to self-love and authenticity. Let this book be your guide to finding happiness in the person you really are.


In early 2016, Achea Redd was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. After hiding her condition out of fear and shame, Achea quickly realized it was only getting worse, affecting her physically to the point of a nervous breakdown. It wasn’t until she acknowledged the situation with her loved ones, seeking out treatment from her therapist and doctor, that things started to get better.

As a form of self-expression and healing, Achea created her own blog, sharing her feelings about mental health and authenticity. The flow of support she received from the community compelled her to create Real Girls F.A.R.T.—a space to empower and equip women with the necessary tools to use their voices and become their best, most authentic selves. Achea currently resides in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, Michael, and her two children.

“Achea Redd takes us behind the curtain of her seemingly ideal life and shares her story with deep insight and raw honestly. She leaves room for us to pause and reflect on our own lives, and thus instructs us on how to follow our own leads and fully realize who we are and what we were meant to accomplish in this world.” —The Anxiety Sisters Abs and Mags, anxiety gurus and founders of

“The authenticity of Achea’s message and her willingness to put it all out there is so refreshing. She shines light on topics so many of us experience, but few have the courage to talk about—a must-read for any woman who has struggled with anxiety or self-doubt.” —Regan Walsh, executive and life coach, Forbes contributor

Redd takes you on a powerful journey to believe in yourself, find the gifts in the struggle, and discover how to authentically and freely be YOU. —Simi Biotic, health coach and author of Letting Go of Leo

“It doesn’t matter who you are—the disease to please is so widespread, it’s no wonder anxiety in this world has doubled or maybe even tripled. The answer to this problem? BE YOUR DAMN SELF. Be Free. Be You. is a must-read if you are ready to break the mold and live a life of freedom. With easy-to-grasp exercises and real-life stories about living more authentically, I guarantee you will walk away from reading this book with a desire to GET REAL (which is truly the secret to a happy life)!” —Lisa Baird Panos, relationship and life coach, author of Big Girl Pants

“Making the decision to truly discover your REAL self is no easy task. It requires honesty, courage, and grace. Be Free. Be You. is a testament that real beauty, true inner peace, and an honest perception of oneself happen when we are willing to peel back the layers and understand moments in our life that have brought us to this very moment. Through this book, Achaea teaches us how to be both brave and bold with our inner self. Its transparency personifies the reason we need more REALNESS in today’s society.” —Candace Read, stylist at Wardrobe Therapy, style influence, and fashion blogger

